Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Luther

So, I'm watching an old TiVo'ed episode of "The Boondocks." If you haven't seen it, the show is hysterical...

Check it out here.

Anyway, on this particular episode, called "The Itis," Grandpa opens his own restaurant, with a signature piece..."The Luther." (Named for Luther Vandross, who Grandpa claims invented it.)

The Luther is the ultimate in hamburgers...the ingredients are: 4 pounds of beef, covered in cheese, fried onions, and 5 strips of bacon. And if that weren't enough, the buns were replaced with donuts...Krispy Kreme Donuts. Oh, and put a couple of bacon strips on top of that too...

When Riley took two bites of it, he passed out. The last thing he said before going under was "Whoa. This is what crack must feel like."

For about 5 seconds my mouth goodness....what a burger....

Then, in a crystal clear moment of sanity, I realized I had never wanted a salad so bad in my life.

Maybe there is hope for me.

Huey's comment about the entire menu was: "Grandad, you can't feed this stuff to people. It'll cause....death!"



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