Monday, June 05, 2006

Mawwiage is what bwings us togedduh twoday..

...but not if you're gay or lesbian.

This issue bugs the piss out of me. Why the extrememe right doesn't just get over this I cannot fathom.

I do have a few gay friends, but I myself am not gay. (My girlfriend is very happy I'm not!) In my opinion, there should be no barrier to same-sex couples getting married. None.

Here are some (most) of the arguments (and my very simple rebuttles in parenthases) against gay marriage:

1. The Bible says that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. (The Bible also says I can sell my youngest daughter into slavery - Exodus 21:7...and I can stone someone who insists on working on the sabbath - Exodus 35:2.)

2. Marriage has ALWAYS been between a man and a it's traditional. (Wasn't this the argument for slavery in the 18th and 19th centruries and for women not having the right to vote in the 19th and 20th?)

3. Marriage is for the purpose of procreation...same-sex couples cannot have children. (By this logic, heterosexual couples who for one reason or another cannot have children shouldn't be allowed to marry. And by the way, adoption, hello?)

4. If gays and or lesbians are allowed to marry, they will diminish the concept of marriage. (Excuse me? If you are married and think any less of your loving relationship because of what ANYONE else does, your marriage doesn't seem to me to be that strong to begin with.)

5. Condoning gay marriage, according to Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) would be akin to legalizing incest, beastality, polygamy and adultrey. (I don't think I need to argue this one...I would love to see his logical progression from step A to step B though. This is like saying "he owns a gun - therefore he's going to kill someone!")

BTW - don't get me started on Santorum. ;)

Any other arguments?

So then let me see if I've got this right. Marriages of conveinence to get a green card are okay. Hollywood style marriages to make the newest "power couple" and last only a couple years are okay. Marriages made with no love between the man and woman but because the woman is pregnant are okay. 85 year old men who marry 21 year old busty strippers are okay. People marrying and re-marrying every couple of years are okay. But two men or two women who love each other cannot.

And now, the Bush Administration is calling for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as one-man and one-woman. Fortunately, this is election-year political pandering and stands very little chance of making it out of the Senate.

Remember the last time the Constitution outlawed something? Alcohol, wasn't it? Boy, that worked well, didn't it?

Coming up next on the GOP Hit Parade, I'm sure, is the Desecration of the Flag Ammendment.

But that's a blog for another time though...


At 17:26, Blogger Alex said...

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At 17:42, Blogger Alex said...

Since I agree, in essence, with Brian's positions, there's not much I can add. I did notice that he can quote the Bible - not bad, Mr. Dunn. I would also note that, although admirable, Brian's arguments are likely to fall on the deaf ears of those for whom logic is of little relevance.

Lastly, I would only add that... hmmm... how to put this delicately? Perhaps I should just come out and say it: No, Brian is not gay. Not that there was ever any question, but it has, in fact, been verified. A number of times in a number of quite enjoyable ways. And for the record, as Brian is wont to say, yes, I am very happy that he's not gay, as this greatly simplifies our romance. ;-)

His Steady.


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